Welcome to St Andrew's Church

We are a friendly and lively church situated in Sneyd Green, just outside the city centre of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

Hi, I’m James Gandon and I have the joy of leading the team here at St Andrew's.

If you are visiting our website for the first time, you are VERY WELCOME!

Our Vision here at St Andrew's is to see people’s lives and the community of Sneyd Green transformed by the love of Jesus.

We would love you to come along to one of our services on a Sunday, we gather at 9:00am and 10:30am each week!



The Star Café continues to run in the church hall (the building behind the church) back to our regular Mondays and Tuesdays. Join us 10am-12pm for hot and cold drinks, delicious home made cakes and light snacks, with free toast and juice for kids throughout the school holidays.

St Andrew’s Church is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Rebecca Poole and can be contacted via the church office, see Contact Us, or by emailing safeguarding@standrewssneydgreen.com. More information can be found on the Diocese of Lichfield website. For Out of Hours and Weekend Emergencies please call the Emergency Safeguarding number 0303 003 1111 (option 2).

find us on Social Media

Check out http://www.mentalhealthaccesspack.org/ which is a website of resources for those struggling with mental health issues.

Check out http://www.mentalhealthaccesspack.org/ which is a website of resources for those struggling with mental health issues.


Find out more about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith at Christianity.org.uk

We would like to thank Beccy Slater at RLS arts and Martin Sekasi for photographs used on this website and Tamar Willoughby for designing the St. Andrew's Church logo. We also use photos from Unsplash.com

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