I'm New

Welcome to St Andrew’s!

We are delighted that you’re considering joining us on a Sunday, this page give some answers to some frequently asked questions, please feel free to contact us for more information, any assistance you require or just for a chat!

Whether you are looking for a church to call home, or just exploring the Christian faith, you are very welcome at St Andrew’s. If you are coming to a Sunday service for the first time we want to make your visit as enjoyable as possible by letting you know exactly what’s involved.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code, most people come in casual clothes.

Where can I park?

Street parking is available next to the church, please be respectful of local residents. Parking on site is limited and is reserved for disabled guests.

Are there steps into the church?

No, access to the church and hall is wheelchair friendly.

Do you have toilets?

Toilets are available in the church and the church hall (including accessible facilities).


How do i get in touch?

Details of how to contact us can be found on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!


Is there provision for children?

Each week there is something for the Children during our 10:30am service. Either there are groups for those aged 0 - 11 or we have All-age worship sometimes too. Please see our youth and children's page for more information.

Will you ask for my money?

Every church service is free to attend. As Christians we believe part of our worship is to give some of our money to the church. We have a giving plate at the back of Church as you come in, Yellow Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back too, however as a guest please feel no obligation to.

Is there communion?

Communion is served every week at the 9am service and less frequently at the 10:30am service.

Anyone who is comfortable receiving bread and wine is welcome to take communion. If you would not consider yourself a Christian or feel uncomfortable receiving, please come forward and we'd love to pray a blessing over you.

We welcome children to come up and receive bread and wine as long as parents are happy with that.

We offer the option of having a wafer dipped for those who would prefer not to receive from the common cup and there is gluten free and non-alcoholic options available too.

Do you serve tea and coffee?

Free refreshments are available after the 10:30am service in the church hall. You are welcome to stay and chat.

We pray that you will enjoy your visit and encounter Jesus personally.